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Kauno Technologijos Universitetas (KTU)

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Description of the legal entity


KTU is one of the largest technological universities in the Baltics. Known for its linkages relations with business, leadership in scientific research, flexible interdisciplinary study programmes. KTU awards PhD degrees in 18 fields of science of the third cycle (Doctoral) studies.

Research at KTU, carried out by around a thousand academic staff across 9 faculties and 8 research institutes, produced 920 scientific publications in 2018. KTU took part in 180 international and national projects, including Horizon 2020, EIT, Interreg, Intergovernmental cooperation programmes “Intergovernmental cooperation programmes” and others, as well as participated in 54 COST actions.

Group of researchers of Department of Mechanical Engineering of KTU work in the fields of mechanical testing of materials and constructions, fracture mechanics, strength analysis of composite and metal materials and structures including nuclear power plant structures and components, application of advanced engineering methods for development of innovative structural solutions.

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Profile of staff members involved


  • Dr Gintautas Dundulis (male): PhD in Technological Science. For more than 25 years at LEI and KTU working in the deterministic and probabilistic-deterministic analysis of structural integrity of the nuclear and thermonuclear reactor components. Present position: Chief Researcher in Department of Mechanical Engineering of KTU.
  • Dr Evaldas Narvydas (male): PhD in Technological Science, Mechanical Engineering. Working on low cycle fatigue and fracture mechanics, strength and durability of structures, computational mechanics. Completed IAEA fellowship (pipe whip problems) in Argonne NL, USA. Present position: lecturer in Department of Mechanical Engineering, KTU
  • Dr Vitalis Leišis (male): PhD in Technological Science, Materials Engineering.  Research area related to mechanics of materials, fracture mechanics, strength and durability of structures, computational mechanics.Experience in the Residual Lifetime Assessment for Primary circuit components of Ignalina NPP using R6 code. Present position: associate professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, KTU
  • Dr Daiva Zeleniakienė (female): an associate professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of KTU. Research related to mechanics of materials, strength and durability of structures, computational mechanics. Experience in international projects leading WPs on Communication, Dissemination and Public Engagement.
  • Dr M. Dubosiene (female): lecturer at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of KTU. Research related to mechanics of materials, strength and durability of structures, computational mechanics and fluid dynamics. Experience in Communication and Dissemination activities.

 Relevant publications, and/or products, services


  • Saad D., Dundulis G., Janulionis R., “Numerical simulation of SIF in Es-Salam research reactor vessel” (2019), Engineering failure analysis, vol. 96: 394-408. DOI: 10.1016/j.engfailanal. 2018.10.014
  • Dundulis G., Janulionis R., Karalevičius R., Bykov V., Tereshchenko A., “Limit analysis of complex welds between plasma vessel and ports in W7-X cryostat system” (2017), Fusion Engineering and Design: Elsevier, ISSN 0920-3796, Vol. 125: 98-108. DOI: 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2017.10.026
  • Dundulis G., Žutautaitė I., Janulionis R., Ušpuras E., Rimkevičius S., Eid M., “Integrated failure probability estimation based on structural integrity analysis and failure data: Natural gas pipeline case” (2016), Reliability Engineering & System Safety, ISSN 0951-8320, Vol. 156.:  195–202. DOI: 10.1016/j.ress. 2016.08.003
  • Dundulis G., Grybėnas A., Makarevičius V., Janulionis R., “Application of ''leak before break'' assessment for pressure tube in delayed hydride cracking” (2010), Journal of disaster research, ISSN 1881-2473, Vol. 5, No. 4: 378-383
  • Janulionis R., Daunys M., Dundulis G., Grybėnas A., Karalevičius R., “Numerical and experimental research of the influence of hydrogen on the fracture toughness of zirconium – 2.5% niobium alloy” (2008), Mechanika, Kaunas: Technologija, ISSN 1392-1207. 2008, Nr. 6(74): 5-10

Relevant previous projects or activities


  • H2020 project - INcreasing Safety in NPPs by Covering gaps in Environmental Fatigue Assessment “ (INCEFA-Plus), 2015-2020.
  • FP 7 project - NUGENIA PLUS Justification of Risk Reduction through In-Service Inspection (REDUCE), 2015-2016
  • H2020-MSCA-RISE-2017 Project - “Multifunctional polymer composites doped with novel 2D nanoparticles for advanced applications,” NANO2DAY, 2018-2022.
  • FP 7 project - MATerials TEsting and Rules (MATTER), 2011 – 2014.

Significant infrastructure and/or any major items of technical equipment


  • Software ANSYS
  • Instron (Model ElectroPuls™ E10000 Linear-Torsion fatigue testing)

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