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Nuclear Research and Consultancy Group (NRG)

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Description of the legal entity

NRG is an internationally-operating nuclear service provider. The company produces isotopes, conducts nuclear technological research, is a consultant on the safety and reliability of nuclear installations and provides services related to radiation protection. Research is performed for governments aimed at developing knowledge about nuclear technology. NRG has required knowledge basis, experience and infrastructure (irradiation and PIE facilities) to provide services for long term operation of existing reactors and to qualify fuels and materials for next generation reactors.

Profile of staff members involved


  • Dr Kolluri Murthy (male): PhD in Mechanics of materials (TU Eindhoven, Netherlands) and Master of Engineering in Metallurgy (IISc, Bangalore, India).  More than 8 years of experience at NRG in the field of neutron irradiation effects on mechancial and microstrucrual properties of structural materials, in particular RPV steels, Gen IV and Fusion materials. Present position: research consultant and project manager within Research and Innovation department at NRG Petten
  • Dr Fitriana Nindiyasari (female): is a Material Research Consultant at Material & Fuel Qualification team. She holds a PhD in Material Science from Ludwig Maximillian University (LMU, Munich, Germany). Her specialization includes microscopy, crystallography and mechanical property.

Relevant publications, and/or products, services


  • Kolluri M., Kryukov A., Magielsen A.J., Hähner P., Petrosyan V., Sevikyan G., et al., “Mechanical properties and microstructure of long term thermal aged WWER 440 RPV steel” (2017), J. Nucl. Mater. 486: 138–147. DOI:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2017.01.007
  • Kolluri M., et al., “Correlation between master curve testing and Charpy impact test results of long term thermally aged VVER-440 RPV surveillance specimens” (2018), NuMat 2018 conference, Seattle, USA
  • Kolluri M., de Haan-de Wilde F.H.E., Nolles H.S., de Jong A.J.M., van den Berg F.A., “Irradiation Induced Changes in Mechanical and Microstructural Properties of the High Flux Reactor Vessel: Update of the Results From 2014 and 2015 Surveillance Test Campaigns” (2017),  Vol. 6B Mater. Fabr., ASME: V06BT06A018. DOI:10.1115/PVP2017-65007
  • Kolluri M., Nolles H., Frith F. J., Martin O., Petrosyan V., Petrosyan A., Sevikyan G., “Sub-size specimen testing of RPV steels for master curve analysis” (2019), ASME-PVP2019, 14-19 July, 2019, San Antonio, TX, USA
  • Blagoeva D.T., Debarberis L., Hegeman H.J., Luzginova N.V., “Embrittlement Issues in RPV Materials; Might They Be Used Beyond Their Current Fluence Range?” (2011), ASME, Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Volume 6: Materials and Fabrication, Parts A and B (): 755-758. DOI:10.1115/PVP2011-57348

Relevant previous projects or activities


  • STRUMAT-LTO: Coordinator of the ongoing STRUMAT-LTO pilot project within NUGENIA framework. STRUMAT-LTO addresses open issues in RPV LTO research; focusing on investigation of late irradiation effects, high fluence behavior, applicability of sub-size and master curve techniques and assessment of embrittlement trend curves (ETC) for LTO beyond 60 years.
  • GETMAT: Wide variety of PIE testing including fracture mechanics testing was performed on Gen IV materials

Significant infrastructure and/or any major items of technical equipment

NRG has hot cells equipped with a broad range of reference and PIE testing facilities (such as specimen fabrication, reconstitution, tensile, fracture mechanics, mini-charpy impact, fatigue testing facilities equipped in hot cells) to be able to work with reference and irradiated materials.


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